v22.8 (2022-10-19)

v22.8 (2022-10-19)#


  • Provide the ability for admin users to edit modem phone numbers for cellular devices.

Edit modem phone number for cellular device


  • Display the default IPv4 and/or IPv6 gateway IP of the active WAN interface on the Device Details page. If default gateway IP is not configured, the field is left blank.

Display default gateway IP


  • Allow user to select the server to use for a bandwidth test on VPN gateways. This feature requires the gateway to have firmware version 7.3.100 or later.

Select bandwidth test server


  • Added Configuration Name column to Cellular Utilization and VIG report tables.

Configuration Name


  • ARMT now uses the timestamp generated by VPN GW devices when creating events for SNMP informs instead of when ARMT received the inform. This is useful for determining when a device started up, rebooted, or created a tunnel, which might happen before the device can send the information to ARMT.

  • Listing sites in ARMT will now only show sites with at least 1 device

Bug Fixes#

  • Fixed a bug in the Device Events table where events related to a device booting up were being labeled as “Reboot” events instead of “Boot” events. The event type “Boot” was also added to the type filter menu, allowing the events table to be filtered by the “Boot” event type.

Boot Event Type in Events List


Boot Event Type Filter


  • Fixed a misconfiguration that prevented Data Plan alerts from being generated